Mike Kipruto
How to Change the Login Logo in WordPress the Easy Way without a Plugin
To change the login logo in your WordPress Login Screen without using a plugin, you can add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin: Note: Please replace ‘your-logo-url.png’ with the URL of your custom login logo image and ensure to upload the logo image to your WordPress media library or any…
How to Hide the Screen Options Dropdown Menu in the Top Right Corner of the WordPress admin dashboard
To do so, you can set the screen_options_show_screen filter hook, callback (__return_false), which hides the “screen options” dropdown menu from the top-right corner of the WordPress admin dashboard.
How to Disable the WordPress REST API Requests The Easy Way
To achieve this, we will use the following code that hooks into the WordPress “rest_authentication_errors” filter hook.
How to Apply IP Access Restriction In WordPress via .htaccess
Any requests to “wp-admin” and “wp-login.php” not coming from the IP range specified will result in a 403 Forbidden response.
Why WordPress is the Best Fit for Your Web Site in 2024
Here are 6 reasons why WordPress is probably an appropriate fit for you:
How to Disable the Gutenberg Block Editor on the Widget page
To disable the block editor for widgets can easily be done using the following code:
How to Change or Remove ‘Howdy’ in WordPress the Easy Way
This code snippet allows you to change the default “Howdy” greeting in the WordPress admin bar to “Welcome” by hooking into the WordPress “gettext” filter hook.
How to Change Avatar in WordPress Using Code
Today I want to share a quick and easy tutorial on changing Avatar images in WordPress using custom code. To achieve this, we are going to make use of the following code that adds a filter to modify the avatar data using the get_avatar_data hook filter. It defines a function change_the_avatar that accepts the avatar…
How to Use the wp_get_attachment_image Function in WordPress
Mastering the wp_get_attachment_image() Function in WordPress