How to Create a WordPress Plugin That Disables Comments Easily
Learn how to create a WordPress plugin to disable comments site-wide, customize settings, and remove related UI elements.
How to Modify the “Lost your password?” Text in WordPress Login the Easy Way
To modify or change the “Lost your Password” text in the WordPress Login Screen, please add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin: This code hooks into, the WordPress lost_password_html_link filter hook. 0
How to Change Avatar in WordPress Using Code
Today I want to share a quick and easy tutorial on changing Avatar images in WordPress using custom code. To achieve this, we are going to make use of the following code that adds a filter to modify the avatar data using the get_avatar_data hook filter. It defines a function change_the_avatar that accepts the avatar…
How to Use the wp_get_attachment_image Function in WordPress
Mastering the wp_get_attachment_image() Function in WordPress