The posts focuses entirely on WordPress.
How to Modify the “Lost your password?” Text in WordPress Login the Easy Way
To modify or change the “Lost your Password” text in the WordPress Login Screen, please add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin: This code hooks into, the WordPress lost_password_html_link filter hook. 0
How to Use the WordPress ‘login_language_dropdown_args’ Filter Hook
This filter hook allows one to modify the default arguments for the language selection dropdown on the login screen.
How to Change the Login Logo in WordPress the Easy Way without a Plugin
To change the login logo in your WordPress Login Screen without using a plugin, you can add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin: Note: Please replace ‘your-logo-url.png’ with the URL of your custom login logo image and ensure to upload the logo image to your WordPress media library or any…
How to Hide the Screen Options Dropdown Menu in the Top Right Corner of the WordPress admin dashboard
To do so, you can set the screen_options_show_screen filter hook, callback (__return_false), which hides the “screen options” dropdown menu from the top-right corner of the WordPress admin dashboard.
How to Disable the WordPress REST API Requests The Easy Way
To achieve this, we will use the following code that hooks into the WordPress “rest_authentication_errors” filter hook.